Cheap flights from Manchester to Orlando

from as little as £663

4 nights in Orlando, departing Manchester on 07 / Apr / 2025 with Icelandair (price found 63 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours

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Today alone, Netflights has searched over 51,857 flights. 07 / Apr / 2025 is currently the lowest priced day of the year to fly the Manchester/Orlando route. There are around 1,505 flights on any given week from the UK to Orlando and the cheapest month to fly right now is April.

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Min / Max Temperature (°C)

10 °C


23 °C


33 °C

Rainfall (mm)

61 mm


112.2 mm


221 mm

Key facts about Orlando

How to get cheap flights from Manchester to Orlando

Tips and advice from our flight experts

Fancy a trip to Florida? It’s easy to find cheap flights from Manchester Airport (MAN) to Orlando with Netflights – we’ve scanned and compared the 1,505 weekly flights to track down the best deals. You’ll have to fly into Orlando International (MCO), as there aren’t any flights from Manchester to Orlando Sanford (SFB). But you’ve still got plenty of choice. Several airlines fly this particular route, ranging from big names to budget-friendly carriers. Air France, United Airlines and Virgin Atlantic tend to be the most popular airlines for flying from Manchester to Orlando – but it’s best to compare as many as possible, to find the cheapest flights.

Another way to bag a good deal on flights to Orlando is to avoid high season. Predictably, July and August are the most expensive months to visit Orlando. So, if you do need to fly to Orlando during the summer holidays, it’s best to book as early as possible. Flights to Orlando are also surprisingly expensive in October, due to Halloween events – but, if you fly in early November, there might be some cheap flights available. Flights are usually cheapest in January, when Orlando is at its coldest. But, if you want some sunshine, keep your eyes peeled for offers between March and May – as long as you avoid the Easter holidays, you might stumble across a good deal.

FAQs about flights from Manchester to Orlando

Which airlines fly from Manchester to Orlando?
When you’re searching for cheap flights to Orlando, it’s best to compare direct flights and indirect flights – having a stopover could save you money. You can fly direct from Manchester Airport to Orlando International with a number of airlines, including Air France, Delta, KLM, Thomas Cook Airlines and Virgin Atlantic. All these airlines also offer indirect flights to Orlando, along with Air Canada, British Airways, Lufthansa, Swiss and United Airlines.

Which airlines have the cheapest flights to Orlando?
Thomas Cook Airlines usually have the best deals on Orlando flights.

Can I fly direct from Manchester to Orlando?
Yes, direct flights are available to Orlando International Airport.

How long is the flight from Manchester to Orlando?
A direct flight to Orlando takes nine hours, but if you have a stopover your journey will take longer.

How do I get into Orlando from Orlando International Airport?
Orlando International is just six miles outside the city, so getting into Orlando is very easy. Local buses are the cheapest mode of transport – the 45-minute journey only costs a few quid. Lynx buses depart regularly from Terminal A. Look out for buses numbered 11 or 51 if you want to go to Downtown Orlando, or catch number 42 if your hotel is on International Drive.
Shuttle buses are another option. They’re more expensive – and the price depends on where you’re staying – but the 30-minute journey is quicker than getting the bus. Alternatively, you could get a cab. It’s the quickest way to get into Orlando, but also the most expensive. A taxi to Downtown or International Drive costs around £30, while heading to the Disney Resorts will set you back around £60.

What are the top things to do in Orlando?
Orlando is famous for its theme parks, including Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Orlando Resort and Universal Studios Florida. But there’s more to an Orlando holiday than rollercoasters and fairytale characters. Go on a shopping spree in the Florida Mall, mooch around the city’s art galleries, or go for a stroll in the sunshine around Lake Eola Park. Make sure you spend at least one an evening at one of Orlando’s famous dinner shows – expect everything from comedy sketches to pirate adventures.

Do I need a visa to travel to Orlando?
If you're travelling to Florida with a British passport, you don't need a visa. You just need an ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorisation) which allows you to travel around the USA for up to 90 days. The process is straightforward – you’ll just need to fill out an application form online.

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