Cheap flights from Manchester to New York

from as little as £406

14 nights in New York, departing Manchester on 26 / Feb / 2025 with British Airways (price found 72 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours
New York

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Today alone, Netflights has searched over 53,769 flights. 26 / Feb / 2025 is currently the lowest priced day of the year to fly the Manchester/New York route. There are around 2,895 flights on any given week from the UK to New York and the cheapest month to fly right now is February.

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11 °C


28 °C

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73.7 mm


98 mm


106.7 mm

Key facts about New York

How to get cheap flights from Manchester to New York

Tips and advice from our flight experts

Planning a holiday to the Big Apple? If you’re searching for cheap flights from Manchester to New York, you’ve got plenty of different options to compare. About 2,895 flights operate this route every week, with different airlines landing at different New York airports. New York actually has three serving airports – John F Kennedy Airport (JFK), La Guardia (LGA) and Newark Liberty International (EWR).

If you want to fly direct to New York, you’ll need to fly into JFK or Newark. That said, having a stopover could help you find a better deal – and it’ll give you a wider choice of routes, as indirect flights are available between Manchester Airport (MAN) and all three New York airports. You’ll have more airlines to choose from as well. Air France, KLM and Virgin Atlantic are the three most popular airlines offering flights from Manchester Airport.

Seasonality also plays a big part in flight prices. May is a very popular time to visit New York, because the weather is just right for sightseeing – the city is warm, but not humid. July and August are the hottest months of the year, and hotel prices soar in the summer holidays. Meanwhile, January and February are the coldest months – so this is often when you’ll find cheap flights to New York. If you’re prepared to face the cold, you’ll certainly get a good deal. Alternatively, try searching for flights in September or October, when prices are reasonable and the temperature remains mild.

FAQs about flights from Manchester to New York

Which airlines fly from Manchester to New York?
If you look at flights to JFK, you’ll have the widest choice of airlines. Air France, Delta, KLM, Thomas Cook Airlines and Virgin Atlantic all provide direct flights from Manchester to JFK. Indirect flights are also available with a number of airlines, including Aer Lingus, British Airways and Lufthansa.
Alternatively, you could fly direct from Manchester to Newark with Air Canada, United Airlines, Lufthansa or Swiss, to name a few. But, if you want a cheap deal, it’s also worth comparing indirect flights with Aer Lingus, Brussels Airlines and British Airways. Your other option is to fly into La Guardia – the airport nearest Manhattan – from Manchester. There aren’t any direct flights, but several airlines provide indirect routes. Air Canada fly via Toronto, KLM stop off in Amsterdam, Finnair go via Philadelphia, and Delta make a stop in Atlanta.

Which airlines have the cheapest flights to New York?
From Manchester, you’ll often find that Air Canada, Air France or Delta have the cheapest prices for New York flights.

Can I fly direct from Manchester to New York?
Yes. You can fly direct to JFK or Newark, but Manchester to Newark is the most popular route.

How long is the flight from Manchester to New York?
A direct flight to New York takes about 7 hours and 20 minutes.

How do I get into New York from JFK Airport?
The AirTrain is the cheapest option. It connects all JFK terminals to both the subway and the Long Island Rail Road. It takes about 40 minutes for the Long Island Rail Road to reach Pennsylvania Station, and costs roughly £17. Alternatively, you can take the ‘E’ train to Times Square or Penn Station. The journey takes around an hour, but costs less than £10. Another option is to take a taxi from JFK into New York – but journey times will vary depending on traffic, and it’ll cost you at least £45. Or, you could book a shuttle bus to drop you right outside your hotel.

How do I get into New York from Newark Airport?
Newark Airport isn’t actually in New York – it’s just across the state border in New Jersey. Taxis and shuttle services are expensive because of the distance, so we’d suggest taking the train. It costs about £10 and takes no more than 45 minutes. The trains run frequently throughout the day but, if you have a late flight, don’t get caught out – there’s no service between 2am and 5am. All you need to do is hop on the AirTrain to Newark Airport train station, then take a New Jersey Transit train to Penn Station. From there, you can either hail a cab or ride the subway to your hotel.

How do I get into New York from La Guardia Airport?
La Guardia is the nearest airport to Manhattan, but a taxi into the city will still cost you at least £40, and take a minimum of half an hour. Shuttle transfers are available as well, but the price will vary depending on your party size and where you’re staying. To save some money, you could take a bus and the subway. It’ll take you at least an hour but, on the plus side, it’ll cost you less than £5. From the airport terminal, catch a bus to Jackson Heights-Roosevelt Ave station and get the subway from there.

What are the top things to do in New York?
New York is home to some of the most famous landmarks in the world – so you might feel like you know the city, even if you’ve never been. When you’re sightseeing, make sure you go up the Empire State Building, visit the Statue of Liberty, and see the bright lights of Times Square. Central Park and the Rockefeller Centre are also a must. For a slice of culture, walk around the galleries of MoMA – the Museum of Modern Art – or find out all about New York’s immigration history at Ellis Island.

Do I need a visa to travel to New York?
Most UK passport holders will be eligible for an Electronic System for Travel Authorisation (ESTA) by applying online through America’s visa waiver programme. Once you have your ESTA, you’ll be allowed to travel to the USA for up to 90 days.

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