Cheap flights from Manchester to Istanbul

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Min / Max Temperature (°C)

2 °C


13 °C


27 °C

Rainfall (mm)

22 mm


54.5 mm


113 mm

Key facts about Istanbul

How to get cheap flights from Manchester to Istanbul

Tips and advice from our flight experts

When is the best time to visit Istanbul?
Istanbul’s visitor numbers peak between June and August, just as the temperatures do. The mercury soars to around 33°C so the city can feel pretty hot and humid. Flight prices tend to rise at this time too, so if you’re considering a holiday to Turkey and looking for cheap flights to Istanbul, it may be worth visiting out of season. Flights and accommodation tend to be cheaper in November, for example, which is autumn in Istanbul. The weather is still mild at this time – more like 15°C, which is ideal for sightseeing – although you can expect more rain and cooler evenings.

How many flights are there from Manchester Airport to Istanbul Airport a week?
There are close to 1,017 weekly flights from Manchester Airport (MAN) to or via Istanbul Ataturk Airport (IST) every week.

Which airlines fly from Manchester Airport to Istanbul Airport?
You can fly direct with Turkish Airlines, or indirect with airlines including British Airways, Aegean Airlines, KLM, Lufthansa, Air France and Atlas Global.

Which airlines have the cheapest flights to Istanbul?
Aegean Airlines and British Airways tend to have the cheapest flights to Istanbul if you’re setting off from Manchester.

Can I fly direct from Manchester Airport to Istanbul Airport?
Yes – you can fly direct from Manchester to Istanbul with Turkish Airlines.

How long is the flight from Manchester to Istanbul?
The shortest flight time from Manchester to Istanbul is about four hours.

What time should I arrive at Manchester Airport?
As a general rule, you should get to the airport three hours before the scheduled departure time of your flight. You need to have checked in and be ready to go through security at least two hours beforehand.

How do I get to Manchester Airport?
You can take the train to the airport from Manchester city centre. The arrival train station is in the airport building, so you can walk to the terminals. There’s also a 24-hour Stagecoach bus service from the city centre to the airport. If you’re driving, Manchester Airport is nine miles south of the city centre, next to the M56 with good links to the M6, M60 and M62. Manchester Airport’s postcode is M90 1QX – check which terminal you’re flying from before you arrive. Getting a lift? There’s a free drop-off point on Thorley Lane, next to the JetParks 1 car park.

How do I get to into Istanbul from Ataturk Airport?
Istanbul city centre is about 14 miles away from the airport, and you’ve got a few options to get there. If you’re using public transport, you can get on a Metro train at the airport and change at Zeytinburnu, where you can transfer to the Kabatas tram and get to various places in the city centre. Or, if you want to access Istanbul’s bus network, get off at Otogar for the bus station instead. If you’re happy to spend a bit more money, Efendi Travel run 24-hour private airport transfers, which start from €25 for journeys to local hotels. They’re a little more expensive than taxis – which are another option – but the fare is set before you go.

Do I need a visa to travel to Istanbul?
Yes, British nationals need a visa to enter Turkey, unless you’re on a cruise. Turkish visit visas are valid for multiple stays up to a maximum of 90 days in a 180-day period, and you need to apply for an e-visa online before you travel. At the moment, you can get a multiple-entry visitor visa on arrival, but this is likely to be phased out.

Airport information

Flying from Manchester Airport
Manchester Airport has three passenger terminals, and you can walk between them. There’s a skylink connecting Terminals 1 and 2, which are about a 15-minute walk away from each other, and a covered walkway between Terminals 1 and 3, which are only five minutes apart. Turkish Airlines flights set off from Terminal 1, where there are plenty of shops as well as the pre-bookable Escape Lounge if you want to start your trip in style. There are Travelex UK currency exchange services in all three airport terminals, so you can convert your money before you fly.

Landing in Istanbul Ataturk Airport
Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport has two passenger terminals – one domestic, and one international. It’s Turkey’s biggest airport, so it’s pretty much always busy. There are touchscreen passenger information kiosks dotted throughout the airport to help you find your way around, scan your tickets and find the currency exchange kiosks. If you’re taking public transport into Istanbul, the Metro is connected to the airport and there’s also a Havabus airport bus.

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