Cheap flights from Manchester to Hong Kong

from as little as £648

92 nights in Hong Kong, departing Manchester on 28 / Aug / 2024 with British Airways (price found 64 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours
Hong Kong

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Hong Kong

Today alone, Netflights has searched over 49,811 flights. 28 / Aug / 2024 is currently the lowest priced day of the year to fly the Manchester/Hong Kong route. There are around 5,099 flights on any given week from the UK to Hong Kong and the cheapest month to fly right now is August.

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Min / Max Temperature (°C)

14 °C


22 °C


31 °C

Rainfall (mm)

26 mm


184 mm


400 mm

Key facts about Hong Kong

How to get cheap flights from Manchester to Hong Kong

Tips and advice from our flight experts

When is the best time to visit Hong Kong?
If you’re looking for cheap flights from Manchester Airport (MAN) to Hong Kong (HKG), September can often be a good time to visit. Hong Kong flight prices often dip at this time, as the weather can be quite humid and rainy. Just a month later, October, tends to be one of the most expensive times to fly to Hong Kong – as flight prices rise in line with the number of visitors. October marks the end of the rainy season and there are more hours of sunshine, which explains the peak in popularity. Spring, from March to April, is another great time to visit for sunny and mostly dry conditions – perfect if you plan to get out and explore.

How many flights are there from Manchester Airport to Hong Kong International Airport a week?
There are around 5,099 weekly flights from Manchester to Hong Kong.

Which airlines fly from Manchester Airport to Hong Kong International Airport?
Air France, Lufthansa, Cathay Pacific, British Airways, SWISS, Finnair and Etihad Airways are some of the popular carriers who fly from Manchester to Hong Kong.

Which airlines have the cheapest flights to Hong Kong?
For low-cost flights, try Lufthansa, Cathay Pacific and Etihad Airways.

Can I fly direct from Manchester Airport to Hong Kong International Airport?
Yes – you can fly direct from Manchester to Hong Kong with Cathay Pacific.

How long is the flight from Manchester Airport to Hong Kong International Airport?
The shortest flight time on this route is about 11 hours and 35 minutes.

What time should I arrive at Manchester Airport?
It’s always a good idea to arrive three hours before long-haul flight, but different carriers have different requirements. Usually, you’ll need to have checked in at least two hours before your flight.

How do I get to Manchester Airport?
You can travel by train direct to Manchester Airport – the train station is in the airport campus, and you can then walk to the terminals using the skylink. There’s also a 24-hour Stagecoach bus service from the city centre to the airport. Planning to drive instead? The airport is next to the M56 and has good links to the M6, M60 and M62. Use the postcode M90 1QX for your sat nav. If you’re getting dropped off, there’s a free drop-off area with a shuttle bus to take you to the terminals. Otherwise your driver will need to pay £3 for five minutes or £4 for 10 minutes to drop you outside the airport.

How do I get into Hong Kong from Hong Kong Airport?
If you’re looking for the fastest public transport route, the Airport Express train is a good option if you want to travel onward from Chek Lap Kok. The train runs every 12 minutes and tickets cost around $13 for a single trip into central Hong Kong – just make sure you buy a ticket before you board the train. The journey time is around 25 minutes. There are public buses running into central HK too, and although the journey takes a little longer – about 45 minutes – the fare is closer to $5. Taxis in Hong Kong airport are colour-coded and cover designated areas – red taxis serve urban areas including all of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon, green serve the New Territories and blue operate to Lantau Island.

Do I need a visa to travel to Hong Kong?
If you’re travelling for leisure you can usually visit Hong Kong for up to six months without a visa. That said, you’ll need one if you plan to work or study, or stay for a period of longer than six months.

Airport information

Flying from Manchester Airport
There are three passenger terminals at Manchester Airport. Direct Cathay Pacific flights to Hong Kong operate from Terminal 2. You can walk between each terminal easily – there’s a skylink connecting Terminals 1 and 2, which are about a 15-minute walk away from each other, and a covered walkway between Terminals 1 and 3, which are about five minutes apart. The check-in desks can be found on the upper level of departures in Terminal 2, and there are ATMs and Travelex UK currency exchange services in all three airport terminals.

Landing in Hong Kong Airport
Hong Kong International Airport (HKG) is also called Chek Lap Kok, which is the name of the island it’s built on. It’s regularly ranked as one of the world’s best airports, thanks to facilities like a huge IMAX cinema, an indoor golf club, a spa and plenty of designer shops. If you fly direct with Cathay Pacific you’ll land at Terminal 1. There is a second terminal and they’re connected by a driverless train. You’ll find cash machines, currency exchange kiosks and information desks all over the airport – it’s huge, so be prepared to do some walking.

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