Cheap flights from London to Phuket

from as little as £703

17 nights in Phuket, departing London Heathrow on 26 / May / 2024 with British Airways (price found 54 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours

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Today alone, Netflights has searched over 38,062 flights. 26 / May / 2024 is currently the lowest priced day of the year to fly the London/Phuket route. There are around 3,937 flights on any given week from the UK to Phuket and the cheapest month to fly right now is May.

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Min / Max Temperature (°C)

21 °C


27 °C


33 °C

Rainfall (mm)

34 mm


205.6 mm


373 mm

Key facts about Phuket

How to get cheap flights from London to Phuket

Tips and advice from our flight experts

If you want to save money on flights to Thailand, spend some time comparing cheap flights from London to Phuket International Airport (HKT). London has several departure airports to choose from, so you’ve got a good chance of finding a grat deal from one of them. And you’ll arrive at Phuket Airport, which is one of the second busiest in Thailand. In all, there are around 3,937 weekly flights on this route.

There are currently no direct flights from London to Phuket, so you’ll have at least one layover on the way. London Heathrow (LHR) and Gatwick (LGW) are the most popular departure airports, and your route could take you via a stop-off like Dubai if you fly with Emirates, or Doha if you fly with Qatar Airways. Journey time all depends on your route and carrier, but you’re looking at 15 hours minimum.

On average, January is the most expensive time for flights from London to Phuket. It’s one of the best times to visit weather-wise, as the temperature from November to February is cool and dry enough to explore, which explains why visitor numbers peak around this time. Accommodation prices are likely to be higher around this time, too, as a result of increased demand.

On the flip side, October is when you’ve got the best chance of finding cheap tickets from London to Phuket. It’s the end of monsoon season, which runs from May to October, so it’s likely to be wetter at this time. That said, the crowds have died down, prices have dropped, and rain tends to be in short, sharp bursts.

FAQs about flights from London to Phuket

Which airlines fly from London to Phuket?
Airlines including Turkish Airlines, Etihad Airways, Shenzhen, Qatar Airways, Cathay Pacific and Air China all fly from London Heathrow, British Airways also fly from Gatwick, and Emirates fly from both Gatwick and Stansted.

Which airlines have the cheapest flights to Phuket?
Try airlines like Shenzhen and Air China for the cheapest flights from London to Phuket.

Can I fly direct from London to Phuket?
No – all London to Phuket flights currently include at least one stopover, in locations like Dubai and Doha.

Which London airport offers the cheapest direct flight to Phuket?
There are currently no direct flights from London to Phuket. For the cheapest indirect flight, try London Heathrow.

How long is the flight from London to Phuket?
The shortest flight time is around 14 hours and 35 minutes.

How do I get into Phuket from Phuket International Airport?
Cost-wise, a shared minibus is the best value for money – it’s about 200 baht per person. There are booths to book tickets in the terminal, but you’ll need to wait until the bus fills up before you depart, and the bus will stop at everyone’s hotel so it may take a bit longer. An airport limousine is often a quicker option – you can book this at the same counter in the airport. There’s a board with set fares displayed, so you’ll know what you’re paying before you set off. Or, there are taxi metres outside where you can pick up a cab, which will often work out slightly cheaper. A taxi from Phuket airport to Patong Beach costs about 600 baht plus a 100 baht airport fee, for example. The Phuket Smart Bus is the cheapest option of them all, but it’s also the slowest.

What are the top things to do in Phuket?
This incredible island in the Andaman Sea lays claim to some of Thailand’s most beautiful stretches of sand, so it’s no surprise that beaches are top of the list here. Bangtao Beach and Karon Beach are just two of the best spots. Phuket is also Thailand’s largest island, so there’s plenty to do. Patong is the place to head for nightlife, and Phuket Town has you covered for bustling markets. Plus, don’t pass up a chance to visit Green Elephant Sanctuary Park, get a snap of the Big Buddha, and go island hopping to discover the tiny paradise islands surrounding Phuket.

Do I need a visa to travel to Phuket?
If you’re a British passport holder you can enter Thailand for 30 days without a visa. This is known as a visa exemption. But if you plan to stay for longer than 30 days, intend to work, or use land borders regularly you will need to a visa before you travel.

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