Cheap flights from London to Manila

from as little as £558

13 nights in Manila, departing London Gatwick on 01 / Oct / 2024 with China Southern Airlines (price found 71 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours

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Today alone, Netflights has searched over 149,088 flights. 01 / Oct / 2024 is currently the lowest priced day of the year to fly the London/Manila route. There are around 15,968 flights on any given week from the UK to Manila and the cheapest month to fly right now is October.

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Min / Max Temperature (°C)

22 °C


27 °C


33 °C

Rainfall (mm)

10 mm


170.1 mm


427 mm

Key facts about Manila

How to get cheap flights from London to Manila

Tips and advice from our flight experts

If you’re planning a trip to Manila, you’re most likely to arrive into Manila Ninoy Aquino International Airport (MNL). It’s also referred to as NAIA or Manila International Airport, and it’s the main international gateway to the Philippines. Direct flights from London to Manila set off from London Heathrow with Philippine Airlines, and there are some bargains to be had if you’re prepared to spend a bit of time comparing flight prices.

If you’re not in a hurry to reach Manila, one way to find a cheap deal is to book a flight with a layover. Indirect flights from London to Manila stop off at various locations – ranging from Kuala Lumpur to Hong Kong – and flight prices are often lower if you don’t mind taking an indirect route. You also get more choice of airlines when you fly indirect. The most popular airlines are Qatar Airways, Turkish Airlines and Emirates. Royal Brunei often have the lowest prices, so keep an eye out for their flights.

There are around 15,968 weekly flights from London to Manila, and Heathrow (LHR) is the most popular departure airport. But you can also fly from Gatwick (LGW), Stansted (STN) and London City (LCY), so make sure you compare all four options. Last-minute deals can be cheaper, but it’s best to book flights to Manila in advance to avoid disappointment.

Of course, when you fly is just as important as who you fly with, or where you fly from. If you're flexible on dates, try searching by month to see when the cheapest flights are. December can be one of the cheapest times to fly to Manila, for example, while January – just a month later – can be significantly more expensive. Both months are in the dry season, which starts in late November and ends in May. The rainy season in the Philippines starts in June and lasts until October, so bear that in mind when you book.

FAQs about flights from London to Manila

Which airlines fly from London to Manila?
Direct flights to Manila are available from Heathrow with Philippine Airlines, but you can also fly indirect with airlines like Qatar Airways, Turkish Airlines, Emirates, Royal Brunei and Air China. Carriers including Cathay Pacific and China Eastern Airlines fly from Gatwick, Emirates take off from Stansted, and KLM and Etihad Airways go from London City.

Which airlines have the cheapest flights to Manila?
Royal Brunei, Malaysia Airlines and Air China often have some of the cheapest flights.

Can I fly direct from London to Manila?
Yes – you can fly direct to Manila with Philippine Airlines.

Which London airport offers the cheapest direct flight to Manila?
For the cheapest direct flight to Manila, fly from London Heathrow airport.

How long is the flight from London to Manila?
The shortest flight time from London to Manila is around 13 hours and 20 minutes.

How do I get into Manila from Ninoy Aquino International Airport (MNL)?
Manila Airport has a reputation for being tricky to navigate, so it’s worth putting a bit of extra time in to planning your arrival. The airport has several terminals that are quite far apart from one another, but if you’re flying direct with Philippines Airlines you’ll land at terminal 2. To get into the city, you can either take a taxi or a bus – there’s no rail link. If you take a taxi, it’s a good idea to take the yellow certified taxis rather than the white taxis. Make sure the driver uses the meter and expect to pay a starting fare of 70 Pesos, which goes up in increments of 4 Pesos. If you’re on a tight budget you could take the airport bus, which usually works out cheaper. They leave every 30 minutes and the journey costs 150 Pesos to various downtown drop-offs.

What are the top things to do in Manila?
So, you’ve reached the capital of the Philippines – what now? This intriguing city is a mish-mash of Filipino, Spanish and American influences and it’s full of things to do. Wander through The Walled City, also known as Intramuros, and once the colonial outpost of the Spanish empire. Then swot up on more history at Fort Santiago, a crumbling Spanish fort-turned-museum. For thrills, it’s got to be Star City theme park, and for more thrills but this time with a side order of tropical fish – because, why not? – just head straight to Manila Ocean Park.

Do I need a visa to travel to Manila?
You can usually enter the Philippines without a visa for an initial period of 30 days. If you plan to stay longer, you can also apply for a tourist visa from the Philippine Embassy before you travel, which gives you up to 59 days in the country.

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