Cheap flights from London to Bali

from as little as £526

7 nights in Bali, departing London Heathrow on 04 / Mar / 2025 with Lufthansa (price found 43 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours

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Today alone, Netflights has searched over 119,613 flights. 04 / Mar / 2025 is currently the lowest priced day of the year to fly the London/Bali route. There are around 2,599 flights on any given week from the UK to Bali and the cheapest month to fly right now is March.

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Min / Max Temperature (°C)

23 °C


27 °C


30 °C

Rainfall (mm)

53.4 mm


169.5 mm


328.4 mm

Key facts about Bali

How to get cheap flights from London to Bali

Tips and advice from our flight experts

If you’re comparing the price of flights from London to Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport (DPS), which is also known as Denpasar, you’ve got plenty to choose from. There are around 2,599 weekly flights on this route. They’re all indirect if you’re flying from London, so you can expect at least one stop along the way to this Indonesian island.

London Heathrow (LHR) has the highest number of flights on offer, but you can also fly to Bali from Gatwick (LGW), London City (LCY) and Stansted (STN) airports. As for airlines, you’ve got the likes of Qatar Airways, Emirates, Singapore Airlines and Malaysia Airlines to choose from. On average, China Eastern Airlines have the cheapest flights from London to Bali, but check your search results, as this isn’t always the case.

Weather-wise, it’s worth knowing that Bali’s tropical monsoon climate has two seasons – May to September is dry, while October to April is wet. Don’t be put off by the wet season though – you’re still likely to get lots of sun on a rainy day in Bali, and October is also one of the cheapest times to fly here. By contrast, January can often be the most expensive time for flight tickets, and high season in June, July and August can be expensive, too, as that’s when visitor numbers are at their highest.

The journey from London to Bali takes at least 15 hours and 30 minutes. Another way to get a cheap flight is to book last minute – but this does mean you may not be able to get the exact flights you want.

FAQs about flights from London to Bali

Which airlines fly from London to Bali?
Emirates and China Eastern Airlines are two of the most popular airlines flying from London to Bali. But you can also fly from Heathrow with airlines including Qatar Airways, Singapore Airlines and Malaysia Airlines. China Airlines and China Eastern Airlines offer flights from Gatwick, and SWISS fly to Bali from London City Airport.

Which airlines have the cheapest flights to Bali?
China Eastern Airlines offer the cheapest London to Bali flights.

Can I fly direct from London to Bali?
No – all flights from London to Bali are currently indirect, with at least one stop. Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore are common layover destinations.

Which London airport offers the cheapest direct flight to Bali?
There are no direct flights from London to Bali. For the cheapest indirect flights, try London Gatwick and Heathrow.

How long is the flight from London to Bali?
The shortest flight time is around 15 hours and 30 minutes, but this can vary significantly depending on your stopovers.

How do I get into Bali from Bali Airport?
Bali airport taxis don’t have the best reputation, as it can be tricky to work out which companies are officially licensed and which aren’t – so it’s worth considering pre-booking a private driver. The set fare might be a little more expensive, but you know what you’re getting. If you do want to jump in a taxi, look for Blue Bird taxis – they’re the most reputable. As a guide, fares range from IDR 70,000 for Kuta, to IDR 750,000 to Tulamben, but always agree the rate before you go. Another good option is to pre-book an airport transfer with your hotel. Or, catch the bus that stops at the international arrival terminal on the ground floor – it runs seven days a week every 15 minutes from 5am to 9pm, and a one-way ticket will cost you around IDR 7,500.

What are the top things to do in Bali?
The Indonesian island of Bali is an incredible place to visit, so make sure you stay long enough to soak it all in. Pay a visit to crashing waterfalls like Banyu Wana Amertha and Sekumpul, step inside ancient Hindu temples like Pura Besakih and Pura Luhur Ulu Watu, and wander through the fragrant street food stalls at Gianyar Night Market. When you’re done exploring, there ‘s no end of paradise beaches to kick back on – or you can set off and explore the water with a snorkel or a surfboard.

Do I need a visa to travel to Bali?
If you’re travelling on a British passport and visiting for up to 30 days, you don’t need a visa to enter Indonesia – you’ll get a visa waiver stamp in your passport. Bear in mind the 30 days includes your date of arrival and date of departure, and can’t be extended. If you want to stay longer than 30 days you will need to arrange a visa.

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